Stanbridge Ridge Cemetery #1 (Stanbridge East)

Cemetery #   1214
Caption fr.   Cimetière Stanbridge Ridge #1 (Stanbridge East)
Caption eng.   Stanbridge Ridge Cemetery #1 (Stanbridge East)
Name fr.   Cimetière Stanbridge Ridge #1, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Montérégie, Québec
Name eng.   Stanbridge Ridge Cemetery #1, Stanbridge East, Brome-Missisquoi, Montérégie, Quebec
GPS Name   Stanbridge Ridge #1 (Stanbridg
Location name   Stanbridge Ridge
Address_1   À l'ouest sur le Chemin Ridge
Address_2   Environ 150 mètres au sud du Chemin Cage
Ward/Sector   - County   Missisquoi
Town   Stanbridge East GeoEntity   1392
M.R.C.   Brome-Missisquoi Church proximity   No
Region   Montérégie    
  Geographical coordinates
Latitude   45.091611°  (N45°05'29.796") Longitude   -72.935627°  (W072°56'08.268")
Altitude   111 Metres  (364 Feet) Precision   Accurate positioning: ±2.0 M (±6.8 Ft)
UTM - Easting   662,444.62 Metres UTM - Northing   4,995,200.37 Metres
UTM - Zone   18 T Borden code   -
  Cadaster (Lots)
#5897047   Cemetery lot - Active
Registered Area    7,285.2 M²  (78,417.2 Feet²)
Denomination   Protestant/Undefined
Parish   -
  History (dates)
Foundation   - Closed   -
First burial   - Last burial   -
Parish creation   - Count date   -
Visit date   - Visited by   -
Area   7,149 Metres² (76,951 Feet²) Perimeter   349 Metres (1,145 Feet)
Position vs church   - Spatial arrangement   -
Columbarium(s)   - Chapel   ?
Active   Yes Confirmed   Yes
Classification   Cemetery/Graveyard/Churchyard Archeology/History    False
Record creation   2011/04/29 Last modification   2020/02/05
General   Sub-division du cimetière #3531
Interlinks   This cemetery is in 2 sections. Click this line to reach the other section.
  >>> Stanbridge Ridge Cemetery #2 (Stanbridge East)
   This cemetery is a sub-division of a larger cemetery. Click this line to reach this parent cemetery.
  >>> Stanbridge Ridge Cemetery (Stanbridge East)
 2 - Google. Google Earth®. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 3 - GeoMart., Cartes topographiques du Canada au 1:50000. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 6 - TrakMaps. TrakMaps Topo Québec 20K, Garmin routable 1:20000, V#3.0.0. (, Québec, 2011. [Software (Atlas)].
 75 - ELLIS, David. Some Cemetery Locations Around Missisquoi Bay. RootsWeb, (, Canada, 2011. [Web site], Consultation date: 08/09/2011.
 128 - ROGERS, Steve. The War Graves Photographic Project, in association with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (, 2011. Canada_Quebec_v3.kmz [Atlas-Web].
 129 - ELLIS, David J. Correspondance courriel avec David J. Ellis, Caleb Corey and Stanbridge Ridge Cemeteries. (davidellise§myfairpoint_net), Québec, 2012. CoreyCemetery.jpg [E-mail].
 131 - BRODEUR, Mario (dir.) Guide des Cimetières du Québec. La Fabrique de la Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, Québec, 2012, 337 pages. [Book].
 502 - YOUNG, Brian. Visite à pied du village de Stanbridge East. Société d'histoire de Missisquoi, (, Stanbridge East, 2014. [Web site], Consultation date: 23/05/2015.
 1107 - ANTLE, Judy et al. Stanbridge East - Circuit patrimonial, Visite à pied en 19 arrêts. Imprimerie Bernier inc. Musée missisquoi - Société d'histoire, (, 2014, 13 pages. StanbridgeEast.pdf [PDF Document], Consultation date: 06/09/2016.
 1374 - Cadastre du Québec. Infolot. Énergie et Ressources naturelles Québec, (, March 2019. Base de données cadastrale du Québec [Atlas-Web].


Maps, GPS files and other links
              Google Maps  
              Bing Maps  
           Interactive map  
           Topo maps (1:50,000)  
           (Google Earth must be installed on your system)  
           (Use BaseCamp to load into Garmin GPS)  
           (Use GPSBabel for file conversions)  
           (GPS-Utility must be installed on your system)  
Nearby cemeteries:        for a radius of   KM (max: 100)

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