Kawawachikamach Cemetery

Cemetery #   2334
Caption fr.   Cimetière de Kawawachikamach
Caption eng.   Kawawachikamach Cemetery
Name fr.   Cimetière de Kawawachikamach, Caniapiscau, Côte-Nord, Québec
Name eng.   Kawawachikamach Cemetery, Caniapiscau, Côte-Nord, Quebec
GPS Name   Kawawachikamach
Ward/Sector   - County   Nouveau-Québec
Town   Kawawachikamach GeoEntity   617
M.R.C.   Caniapiscau Church proximity   No
Region   Côte-Nord    
  Geographical coordinates
Latitude   54.864368°  (N54°51'51.732") Longitude   -66.761285°  (W066°45'40.644")
Altitude   0 Metres  (0 Feet) Precision   Wide positioning: ±1 Km (±0.6 Mile)
UTM - Easting   643,677.66 Metres UTM - Northing   6,081,994.59 Metres
UTM - Zone   19 U Borden code   -
  Cadaster (Lots)
Land registry    Special territory
Denomination   Other religions/Natives
Parish   St-John
  History (dates)
Foundation   - Closed   -
First burial   - Last burial   -
Parish creation   - Count date   -
Visit date   - Visited by   -
Area   - Perimeter   -
Position vs church   - Spatial arrangement   -
Columbarium(s)   - Chapel   ?
Active   ? Confirmed   Yes
Classification   Cemetery/Graveyard/Churchyard Archeology/History    False
Record creation   2011/09/01 Last modification   2018/03/26
General   Terres réservées aux Naskapis
 72 - The Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of Québec, Parishes and Congregations. (quebec.anglican.org), Canada, 2011. [Web site], Consultation date: 01/09/2011.


Maps, GPS files and other links
              Google Maps  
              Bing Maps  
           Interactive map  
           Topo maps (1:50,000)  
           (Google Earth must be installed on your system)  
           (Use BaseCamp to load into Garmin GPS)  
           (Use GPSBabel for file conversions)  
           (GPS-Utility must be installed on your system)  

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