Veakateri Catholic Cemetery (Kahnawake)

Cemetery #   2348
Caption fr.   Cimetière Veakateri (Kahnawake)
Caption eng.   Veakateri Catholic Cemetery (Kahnawake)
Name fr.   Cimetière Veakateri (Catholique), Kahnawake, Roussillon, Montérégie, Québec
Name eng.   Veakateri Catholic Cemetery, Kahnawake, Roussillon, Montérégie, Quebec
GPS Name   Veakateri (Kahnawake)
Location name   Veakateri
Address_1   À l'ouest sur le Chemin St-Isidore
Address_2   Environ 200 mètres au sud du golf
Ward/Sector   - County   Laprairie
Town   Kahnawake GeoEntity   607
M.R.C.   Roussillon Church proximity   No
Region   Montérégie    
  Geographical coordinates
Latitude   45.394238°  (N45°23'39.264") Longitude   -73.665009°  (W073°39'54.036")
Altitude   32 Metres  (105 Feet) Precision   Accurate positioning: ±2.0 M (±6.8 Ft)
UTM - Easting   604,493.55 Metres UTM - Northing   5,027,613.54 Metres
UTM - Zone   18 T Borden code   -
  Cadaster (Lots)
Land registry    Special territory
Denomination   Other religions/Natives
Parish   -
  History (dates)
Foundation   - Closed   -
First burial   - Last burial   -
Parish creation   - Count date   -
Visit date   - Visited by   -
Area   745 Metres² (8,019 Feet²) Perimeter   109 Metres (358 Feet)
Position vs church   Distant Spatial arrangement   Orthogonal - monoblock
Columbarium(s)   - Chapel   No
Active   ? Confirmed   Yes
Classification   Cemetery/Graveyard/Churchyard Archeology/History    False
Record creation   2012/06/18 Last modification   2018/03/27
General   Mohawk. Catholique.
 2 - Google. Google Earth®. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 3 - GeoMart., Cartes topographiques du Canada au 1:50000. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 128 - ROGERS, Steve. The War Graves Photographic Project, in association with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (, 2011. Canada_Quebec_v3.kmz [Atlas-Web].


Maps, GPS files and other links
              Google Maps  
              Bing Maps  
           Interactive map  
           Editable interactive map.  
           Topo maps (1:50,000)  
           (Google Earth must be installed on your system)  
           (Use BaseCamp to load into Garmin GPS)  
           (Use GPSBabel for file conversions)  
           (GPS-Utility must be installed on your system)  
Nearby cemeteries:        for a radius of   KM (max: 100)

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