Cemeteries list - Source: 66

Number of locations found: 2 Order by: Towns/Wards

Caption   (click for details) Town County MRC Region
Baskatong Ancient R.C. Cemetery (1st) Grand-Remous Gatineau La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Outaouais
Pointe-à-David (Baskatong) Ancient R.C. Cemetery (2nd) Grand-Remous Gatineau La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Outaouais

Maps, GPS files and other links
                  Google Maps  
           (Google Earth must be installed on your system)  
           (Use BaseCamp to load into Garmin GPS)  
           (Use GPSBabel to convert to specific GPS unit)  
           (GPS-Utility must be installed on your system)  

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